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Notice Overseas Koreans Supporters ‘KrossOveR’ Recruitment


Overseas Koreans Supporters ‘KrossOveR’ Recruitment


Overseas Koreans Cooperation Center is recruiting the 'KrossOveR' Overseas Korean Supporters to spread information about the Korean diaspora and encourage a stronger Korean identity through engaging social media content. Don't miss your chance to participate in a variety of activities and interact with the Korean audience throughout the world.

1. Recruitment details

- Number of participants: 30 persons

- Main activity: Creating and sharing social media content on the Korean diaspora and the overseas Koreans

- Theme of content: overseas Koreans' recognition of their Korean identity, affinity among Koreans in and out of Korea, etc.

- Activity period: August 2024 ~ February 2025


2. Eligibility

- Korean individuals between the ages of 19 and 39 with interest in the Korean diaspora as well as cultural exchange

· born between July 15, 2005 and July 16, 1985

- Active users of social media (Instagram, YouTube, etc.)

- Residence: Republic of Korea or abroad (access to social media and messenger applications required)

· Koreans residing in the Republic of Korea or abroad (regardless of their nationality)

- Preferred qualifications

· more than 1,000 Instagram followers

· experience in content production (video editing, etc.)

· able to participate in the kick-off ceremony in person (August 13th ~ August 17th)


3. Participant election timeline

- Recruitment period: July 15th (Mon) ~ July 28th (Sun) 23:59 KST

· Interested applicants may fill out and complete the Google form at https://forms.gle/9F3gscVLsTRxyHPZ8

- 1st round announcement : July 30th (Tue) 17:00 KST

- Online interviews: July 31st (Wed) ~ August 1st (Thu)

- Final round announcement : August 2nd (Fri)

- Kick-off ceremony and education program in Rep. of Korea: August 13th (Tuesday) ~ August 17th (Saturday)

※ Schedule is subject to change.



4. Participation benefits

- Monthly participation stipend

- Awards for excellent supporters

- Certificate of appointment and completion of activities


5. Inquiries

- T) +82-70-4665-3235

- E) okcckrossover24@gmail.com

Please note that the Korean Consulate only posts this opening notice. If you have any questions, please contact via the above email.
